Ferramentas e conhecimentos

domingo, 16 de agosto de 2009

Le Grand Robert-Collins 2009 Dictionnaire - Dicionário Frances Le Robert Collins

Le Grand Robert-Collins 2009

The entire Robert & Collins and Grand Robert & Collins in its latest edition:

- 425,000 words and expressions giving access to more than one million translations
- New: 100,000 pronunciations (85,000 words in English and 15,000 in French)
- New: 45,000 compounds
- A comprehensive conjugator: all verbs in all modes and all the time
- 30,000 compound words, expressions and proverbs, abbreviations, "phrasal verbs" and 300 cultural references
- A comprehensive thematic expression Guide
- New: a dictionary of synonyms in each language
- New: additional Business, with 15 000 terms of business

All the advantages of multimedia:

- Instant search of a word or sequence of words
- A total hypertext navigation

The new Collins Robert French Dictionary is the latest edition on DVD of the biggest Collins Robert French-English dictionary, a reference work unrivalled amongst bilingual dictionaries for 30 years. It contains 2 entire print dictionaries: the Collins Robert Unabridged French Dictionary and the Collins Robert Comprehensive French-English / English-French Dictionary in 2 volumes, making it the biggest completely up-to-date resource for working in French – with 120,000 entries, 750,000 translations, 300 cultural notes
and more.

As well as all of the information from the dictionary, the DVD offers a multitude of options for lookup, searching and navigation of the Collins Robert material, thereby enhancing the richness of the dictionary with the variety of pathways offered by the electronic format.

The software has an invaluable full text search function, allowing you to look for all occurrences of a word or phrase in any entry or translated example in the dictionary (in both languages). This offers the user a translation tool of unequalled power and allows you to fully exploit the wealth of information in the dictionary.

The DVD also includes complete conjugations of all verbs, and a navigation tool (the Entry Map tool) for long entries.

This new edition allows the user to consult a network of synonyms, in both English and French, for the search word, or for any word in an entry. Each of these synonyms is also linked to its own corresponding entry.

The DVD offers an increased coverage of pronunciations, with nearly 100,000 words.

Finally, this new edition includes a ‘Business’ supplement containing more than 15,000 business terms, linked to certain dictionary entries.

Criar Drive (HD) virtual no PC

Nesta dica, você aprenderá a usar o software Microsoft Virtual CD-ROM para criar um Drive Virtual no XP. O Microsoft Virtual CD-ROM v2.0.1.1 é um utilitário para o Windows XP que permite que você crie um drive de CD-ROM virtual em seu computador. Isso é partcularmente útil se você tem uma biblioteca de imagens ISO. Se você é um fã do Virtual PC, este utilitário lhe será muito útil considerando que você não pode usar imagens ISO de DVD dentro do software Virtual PC.

Comece baixando o download do software para um computador de sua escolha. Este utilitário suporta o Windows XP Professional e o Windows XP Home Edition. Em seguida, descompacte os arquivos para a sua pasta %systemroot%\system32\drivers e clique duas vezes no VcdControlTool.exe e depois clique em Driver Control. Clique no botão Instalar Driver e navegue até a pasta %systemroot%\system32\drivers , selecione VcdRom.sys , clique em Open , Start e OK.

Agora você pode clicar em Add Drive, a fim de adicionar uma letra para o drive virtual. Após clicar em Add Drive, a letra aparece. Escolha Mount para montar sua imagem ISO no drive virtual. Agora, você pode usar o drive como se fosse um dispositivo físico de CD-ROM. Quando terminar a imagem ISO, escolha Eject | Remove Drive | Driver Control | Stop | Remove Driver | OK.

Download: Virtual-CD-DVD-Rom

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Le Petit Robert Dicionário de Francês 2009

Nouveau Petit Robert de la langue française 2009

  • Image

    Le CD-ROM du Nouveau Petit Robert 2009 fonctionne sans problème particulier sur tous les ordinateurs PC (Windows) et Macintosh. Vous trouverez ci-dessous les configurations minimales recommandées.

    Genre : Logiciel
    Taille : 338, 54 Mo

    * Windows™ XP/Vista
    * Pentium III ou supérieur
    * 128 Mo RAM
    * Internet Explorer 6 ou supérieur
    * 300 Mo disponibles sur le disque durMac
    * Mac OS 10.3.9 et suivantes
    * 128 Mo RAM
    * Safari 2 ou supérieur
    * 300 Mo disponibles sur le disque dur
    * Compatible Mac Intel

    Synopsis :Nouveaux sens, nouveaux mots

    Interface, fonctionnalités et moteur de recherche multicritères toujours plus puissant optimisent encore l’usage du dictionnaire. Sa consultation n’a jamais été aussi simple.

    Encore plus de richesse et de modernité

    * Des milliers de mots, sens et exemples nouveaux
    * De très nombreux mots, sens et citations issus des pays francophones (Cette année, l’accent est mis sur le Maghreb, le Québec et la Belgique.)
    * Des locutions et expressions récentes
    * De nouvelles citations extraites des grandes œuvres de la littérature, des auteurs classiques ou contemporains, des dialogues de films, des chansons… (A. Ferney, B. Kouchner, C. Laurens, E.Orsenna…)
    * Des thématiques entièrement revues et enrichies :
    l’informatique et les nouvelles technologies, le sport, la cuisine, l’environnement, l’astronomie…

    Une description inégalée de la langue française : la référence

    * 60 000 mots et toutes les évolutions les plus récentes de la langue française
    * 300 000 sens illustrés par des exemples
    * L’étymologie, l’orthographe, la prononciation, les expressions et locutions, les homonymes, les synonymes et les contraires…
    * 34 000 citations (littérature, dialogues de films, presse…)
    * 1 000 plans détaillés pour les articles longs un vaste réseau de liens pour enrichir ses recherches